Are You Really Saving Money Cooking?

For decades, families have lived under the premise that eating at home is less expensive than going out to eat. For many years, this was an absolute fact. Most restaurants charge significantly more than the comparable foods you could buy at a grocery store. But something has changed over the past decade that has made eating out a much more effective option. The cost and foods at grocery stores have continued to increase at a significantly higher rate than the cost of foods from restaurants. A study from showed that the cost of a meal at a mid-scale chain restaurant is less than that of a comparable meal cooked at home. The study said that the margins were only 2 or 3 dollars per person but still savings. When comparing that over a year’s worth of meals, the savings can be eye-opening.

Fhudi is helping families to save money and has more quality time by giving families high-quality foods from local restaurants at an affordable cost. By utilizing the subscription-based model, people are able to budget their meals and still eat at their favorite restaurants. Fhudi is the best food delivery service in Atlanta, USA.
